万商商业是万商国际控股集团旗下的两大核心业务(商业地产开发、商业运营)之一,全程自主开发,持有和运营万商旗下的商业地产项目。集团拥 有多年商业地产开发经验,涉及商贸物流产业园、城镇综合体、农业博览城、商业步行街、特色小镇等领域,作为责任房企,万商国际履行社会责任, 积极参与到国家城镇化建设中,推动城市改造、乡村振兴、社会公益、精准扶贫等,为城镇化建设以及城市开发理念的升级贡献力量。
Wanshang Commercial is one of the two core businesses (commercial real estate development and commercial operations) of Wanshang International Holdings Group, which independently develops, holds and operates commercial real estate projects under Wanshang. The group has many years of experience in commercial real estate development, including trade and logistics industrial parks, urban complexes, agricultural expo cities, commercial pedestrian streets, and characteristic towns. As a responsible housing company, Wanshang International fulfills its social responsibilities and actively participates in national urbanization China will promote urban transformation, rural revitalization, social welfare, targeted poverty alleviation, etc., and contribute to the construction of urbanization and the upgrading of urban development concepts.